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If a company wishes to change its contract power beyond the connection power, work must be done to modify the electrical installation of buildings. The professional must then check with his energy supplier to check that the installations can withstand the increase in power (change from a blue profile to a yellow low voltage profile or from a yellow profile to a green profile in high voltage). In the event of energy needs greater than the power initially subscribed, the company may exceed the power if the latter is in yellow tariff profile or green tariff profile. In case of the Business Utilities you need to choose the right company.
The Termination of a Professional Business Utilities Contract
Most business utilities suppliers marketing blue tariff offers for small professionals do not impose specific termination clauses. The pro is therefore most often free to terminate his business utilities contract at any time and without proof. On the other hand, tailor-made contracts for large companies most often include termination clauses. From 45 to 60 days, this period must be respected before termination of the contract.
At the end of the contract, the company must then warn its former supplier of its wish not to renew the contract the following year. If the company wishes to terminate its pro-business utilities contract before the contract end date, penalties corresponding to a percentage of monthly consumption multiplied by the number of months may be applied.
Small companies with the blue tariff thus have the possibility of terminating their business utilities contract at any time. This termination does not generally entail any additional costs. On the other hand, tailor-made contracts for large companies at the yellow or green tariff may include termination clauses resulting in costs at the time of termination, in particular if the termination period is not respected.
Consequences of the Opening of the Business Utilities Market for Professionals
Formerly monopolized by the historical business utilities supplier, the energy market opened up to competition. By putting an end to the monopoly for business utilities, alternative suppliers have been able to find their place by offering market prices at fixed or indexed prices, which are often more advantageous than the prices marketed by historical suppliers.
This separation of energy production and supply activities makes it possible to work towards a better pricing policy, to develop price competition while guaranteeing the different energy suppliers the same access to business utilities.
Benefits of Energy Market Liberalization for Professionals
The various business utilities suppliers have the freedom to freely set the prices of the market offers. Each service provider can thus offer better prices to stand out from historical suppliers and their many competitors, Professionals are thus advantaged by benefiting from reductions in relation to the regulated tariffs set by the public authorities and marketed only by historical suppliers,
With generally non-binding contracts, professionals are free to terminate their energy supply contracts whenever they see fit without being imposed on them financially or administratively. In addition, the principle of reversibility allows them to leave regulated tariffs and return to them as they wish. Benefiting from a single distribution system, suppliers market the same energy throughout the metropolitan area.